Projects & Papers
In addition to serving on Chester Heights Borough Council, I've had the opportunity to return to school to pursue a Master's in Public Administration at the Joseph R. Biden School of Public Policy and Administration at the University of Delaware. Below is a selection of my class papers, council memorandums and projects relevant to the Chester Heights, PA local government.
Embracing Our Future, Preserving Our Past
The Path to Historic Preservation in the
Borough of Chester Heights, PA
The Borough of Chester Heights possesses a rich history reflected in its historic homes and landscapes. However, without adequate preservation policies recent growth jeopardizes these assets. This paper examines municipal-level actions to better protect historic resources. It recommends implementing a historic preservation ordinance which establishes a Historical Commission and provides minimum regulatory protections while respecting property rights.
Powell Property Advocacy
How local advocacy can change the trajectory in local government.
The request to develop the Powell Property was made in December of 2019 via a letter from Mr. Joseph Damico representing the Powell Family. After mounting pressure from residents, the council re-engaged with the Powell family in pursuit of negotiating a purchase. In 2022 the borough entered into an agreement of sale for 40.2 acres on the west side of Valleybrook Rd. The purchase is pending Grant Funding.
PennDOT Road funding in Chester Heights
Somebody has to pay. State or local responsibilty?
Based on a 1945 law boroughs in the state of Pennsylvania are responsible for subsurface road maintenance on PennDOT Roads. This causes a huge financial burden on the Borough of Chester Heights costing us over 10% the borough's annual budget in years when repairs need to be made. HB1128 and SB191 aim to alleviate some of the burden from the smallest boroughs, but the population formula is inadequate and will not protect CHB. I reached out to our representatives and each of the 944 boroughs I continue to work on this issue to seek a solution for our borough.